Te rā o te pāhua

We have been learning about Te rā o te pāhua – the invasion of the pacifist settlement at Parihaka on the 5th of November 1881. We learnt about Te Whiti-o-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi and how they peacefully protested for their community. We also learnt about the Raukura and the importance of this for our Taranaki community. Te Raukura is an important symbol to the tribes affiliated with the Taranaki rohe. This symbol is captured in the form of a white feather, or a plume of white feathers. Te Raukura represents spiritual, physical, and communal harmony and unity.

At the end of our learning, we used pastels to create artwork to represent our learning.

Have you heard the stories/korero of Parihaka?

What is Media?

We are learning what media is, the different types of media around us and the main purposes of media.

What is media?

  • Media is how information is communicated or transmitted to audiences.
  • Media can be transmitted digitally, physically, visually or auditorily
  • Media always has a purpose: to persuade, to inform, or to entertain

Rūma Toru competed a drag and drop activity which showed what types of media they consumed (used) in the past week and what types of media they created (made). Some types of media they both consumed and created!

What is your favourite type of media?

Google-ee Drawn Fish!

My learning reflection:

  • I have been learning to create using Google Drawing
  • This is my picture of fish underwater. 
  • I am sharing it to show off great work
  • I created it using Google Drawing
  • I am proud of my work because I liked the way I made the baby fish.
  • Something I found quite challenging about this was making the bubbles perfectly round.
  • Something I learned was how to make my background go from dark to light – gradient.
  • My tips about using Google Drawing is to watch videos where other people use it.
  • A question I have about Google drawings is what else could you use it for in the classroom?

The Amazing Rock pools.

We had a great day exploring nature at the rock pools at East End. We saw so much sea life and creatures and came away with so many wonderings. What do crabs eat? How do they survive in little water? Have you been to our local rock pools? What are your wonderings about them? We look forward to exploring these wonderings over the next few weeks.